Monday, November 26, 2012

Some of my radical thoughts:
1) I'm quite tired of all this theater of human relations. I'm never going to play these meaningless roles. I'm just myself! And you can't build good relations with me, if you won't be open and sincerity to me. I always feel it. In the past I could deceive myself for some things I didn't want to see, even I felt it - I ALWAYS feel it. But now - no compromise. I need a high-quality life, first of all inner quality, it's the most important kind of quality of any kinds. Now I'm already have the highnest-quality parents, the highnest-quality friends and it will be everywhere in my life. You get what you choose. I choose the best and I don't need a puddle, if I can have a sea or even an ocean.
2) No smoke, no alchohol, no meat.
It's quite simple to understand I think) It's not a secret that smoking and drinking is not good for health and mind... If you'll drink much you won't control yourself, your actions, decisions etc... I want to control myself, my life and make right decisions. I think I can drink as maximum something like カシスグレープフルーツ :)

The past is the past, now everything is different. But I'm glad, cause I became better in my own quality)

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